Playing with the birds

I think spring sprang to life today. Lots of little green shoots appeared in our garden. And a gorgeous springer spaniel, who just happens to be visiting for the weekend, sprang over them with delightful agility. Meanwhile the local birds, perhaps unconvinced of said springer spaniel’s goodwill, sprang into song.

Birdsong: the sound of tweeting birds.

Twitter: light-hearted nonsense chatter.

Tweet: The highly recommended, up-and-coming (or already here–why am I always behind the curve) form of advertizing your books.

Easter! Creation to Salvation in 100 words a day
Get ready for Easter. Read the whole Bible story in 100 words a day

So here I sit, like a twit, composing 140 character tweets that include links (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords perhaps) to my Easter book, and realizing before Ash Wednesday would have been a better time for them (but it was still winter, wet and soggy, and lacking in birdsong back then). Still, the tweets will go out (as will the dog), and maybe I’ll even check to see if they generate any interest, or lead to sales.

I’m told real authors check their sales figures as frequently as real marketers tweet. But I’m still behind the curve–I probably have to figure out how to check them first.

For my tweets, visit:

for a growing collection of Twitter stories and poems, try:

and for a book of 100-word Bible stories and Christian ponderings, just click on the links above.



3 thoughts on “Playing with the birds”

  1. I got off work early and called my wife with the generous offer to cook stir-fry for supper. “Remember – no meat,” is all she said.

    Lent… [grumble] 🙂


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